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Nymphomaniacs confession: I had to get away from Stepojevac, but I will never stop to sleep with other men

Nymphomaniacs confession: I had to get away from Stepojevac, but I will never stop to sleep with other men

Milica had to leave Steamboe because her desire for sex destroyed her life.

My sexual dependence began when I was 7 years old after I discovered the box full of pornography, and started my quake with Milica. (sex)  (sex) sex, sex. sex

The images of naked, naughty women before whom men were kneeling like obedient homes stirred me in the way they could never draw. I wanted to be one of those women.  (sex)  (sex) sex, sex. sex

After that I started to sexualize myself: my barbies, drawings, schoolmates. I could not understand what was happening and what I was doing, but I was overwhelmed. (sex) (sex) sex, sex. sex

The first boy I had at 14 years and my sexual dependency took on a new, physical, form. We were under the umbrella, and I also tried to give him oral sex like the women in the magazine.  (sex)

I was as if I had found my duty. I was like the girls in the magazines. Finally I had a boy with my legs, and sex held him underneath.  (sex) sex, sex. sex (sex) sex, sex. sex (sex) sex, sex. sex (sex) sex, sex. sex

I've learned that sex is the same thing as love, and as long as I am willing to give it, I will never be alone.

And I did not want to be alone.  sex sex sex (sex) sex, sex. sex (sex) sex, sex. sex (sex) sex, sex. sex

At age 16 I started to have fun with a new, older boy from the end. With him I lost innocence while my friends were on the driveway.  sex (sex) sex, sex. sex (sex) sex, sex. sex

The whole of our relationship was very sexual and I fulfilled my duties even when there was no sex at all since I needed the most. If I did not give it to him, I knew he would leave me and stay alone.  sex (sex) sex, sex. sex (sex) sex, sex. sex

After I was raped by a boyfriend at age 18, I started to lose myself. I was looking for sex wherever I could. I was looking for the control I had lost during rape. sex (sex) sex, sex. sex (sex) sex, sex. sex

I was kidding men who were similar to my rapist - emotionally distant and exhausted - and slept with them to feel worthy. The trauma attached me to him. I even had sex with his best friend to make him jealous.

Sex had nothing to do with love - it became a struggle I had to get. (sex) sex, sex. sex (sex) sex, sex. sex

As the list of men with whom I had sex grew, so my dependence increased. I was wondering for the sweat of my shoulders, the hot sighs that reached my ears, I started to wonder what the purpose was all about. (sex) sex, sex. sex (sex) sex, sex. sex

All this made me begin to feel depressed and alienated. I was just seeing the men who came to sex.

My desire for sex just grew. If I was bored, I went to the internet. In my quest to win my rapist, I'm back on the man who gave me and took advantage of it. After this incident, the sister decided to leave the apartment because she did not feel safe next to all those men who were constantly coming. (sex) sex, sex. sex (sex) sex, sex. sex

In my sexual adventure I pulled all the men, the married, the divorced, the young, the old, lax and ugly.

This apparently did not like the women of those married. Very soon the place was burning against me and I had to move. I'm in a new town now. I'm thinking of looking for help, but I can not take the urge to try to get into the bed of every man I meet on this new and cool territory. (sex) sex, sex. sex (sex) sex, sex. sex( sex) sex, sex. sex (sex) sex, sex. sex

I know I desperately need the right bonds, love and respect, and that's all the cool stuff, but as long as I do not regain my power, I will not stop sleeping with the men.

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